Projekt prowadzi:
About Catalogue
Media, information and digital literacy competencies catalogue
Browse competencies
Education level:
formal education
Primary school 1st stage
Primary school 2nd stage
Lower secondary school
Upper secondary school
Higher education
life long learning
Media, information and digital education standards
Competency categories:
Use of information
Sources of information
Searching for information
A critical approach to information
Use of information
Relations in the media environment
I and others
I and environment
Media language
Linguistic nature of media
Functions of media announcements
Media communication culture
Creative use of media
Ethics and values in communications and media
Communication and media as a subject of ethical reflection
Ethical challenges and the media and communication content
Ethical challenges in relations via media
Ethical challenges and legal norms in media and communication
Safety in communications and media
Privacy and image protection
Communication, work and transaction safety
The Internet surveillance
Addictions, and Health and Safety of media use
Law in communications and media
Types, sources and application of law in the media context
Media and human, citizenship and children's rights
Excluded rights and intellectual monopoly
Media operator services regulations (telecommunication law, radio and television broadcasting, press law, electronic services)
Rights of persons with disabilities
Personal data and personal rights protection
Economic aspects of media functioning
Media market and elements of media politics
Information as economic good
Media financing and selected ways of earning in the New Media
Digital competencies
Structure, functioning, use and parameters of computer devices
Data and their formats
Software use
Algorithmic and logical thinking, programming
Computer use hygiene
Mobile security
Privacy, communication
Communication, work and transaction security
The Internet surveillance
Addictions and media use hygiene
Application ecosystem
Mediated communication